Wednesday, April 2, 2008

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Starting out

This is my first attempt at "blogging". I figured with so many people interested in how our boys and our pregnancy are going this would be a good way to stay in contact.

Andrew, our energetic almost 5 year old, is doing fantastic. We had a home visit with his teacher today and she had nothing but good things to say about his progress. He will be moving on to Kindergarten this year after 2 years in Early Learning Center, he's very excited. Andrew still struggles in speech but with having him slow down and work through it he's been gaining tons! His 5th birthday is on the 28th of this month and we just can't believe he is going to be 5 already!! I can't believe how fast it's going. Andrew is very excited to have some new siblings, his biological mom is having a baby on the 20th of this month also. We are hoping with all of his moving and re-transitioning he's had to do with her the change wont affect his behavior much. He's a great kid.

Kaleb, our ever so loving 2.5 year old, is doing spectacular. He is gaining in leaps and bounds. He was discharged from Occupational Therapy a few months ago but still continues with Speech therapy once a week. He does very well just needs to slow down a bit and listen to himself talk. Kaleb will be turning 3 in June and since that will end his therapy through the Birth to 3 program (kinda obvious I know) we have started the process to see if he can qualify for the 3 year old program at ELC as Andrew did. Kaleb has opened up a lot to people, not as shy and not as clingy when it comes to new people. For being a 28 weeker at birth he is doing awesome, no weight issues, just lungs. He is doing good with his breathing though, hasn't been sick dealing with his lungs since he had croup at Thanksgiving. He still has his ear infections but as the weather clears up so have they so we aren't really going to fight for tubes or anything. Kaleb did have pink eye the beginning of March but he took it like a champ:)

As for our pregnancy, everything is going good. I am going to be 18 weeks on Saturday with minimal complications so far. I am still on Heparin injections twice daily, 17P progestrone shot once a week to hold off preterm labor, daily baby aspirin, extra folic acid, prenatel vitamins, and 1200mg calcium supplements because of all the heparin. We go in on the 8th to find out the sex. I would love a girl and Bill another boy. We decided on names already, Zoe Lynn Gardner for a girl and Wyatt Jonathan Scott Gardner for a boy. The baby has started moving more often this week, mainly while I'm sitting or standing still, I love it though. I just can't wait till Bill can feel it, he never got to feel Kaleb move.

Bill and I are doing well, adjusting to the changes in the boys just since last spring, much more energetic. We have made some fun plans to do before the baby is due and we have to move in July. We ran out of room here. Bill still is working his butt off at Bemis and I still work down at the Bar on Friday nights waitressing. That's about it.

I will be posting some newer pictures of the boys later for everyone!